Every day get rid of old stuff, you don’t use!

kind of. I thought that it would be good to use the next weekend in observing my chunk of stuff, i still own:

  • to much books (what have I read  in the last 3 years? what not?  for what do i have books? to impress guests, that’s all!)
  • to much cloth (everything I didn’t wear in the last 1,5  years, needs to go to our hall fleamarket!)
  • all my CD‘s/DVD’s must go (but where? eBay is no solution. any ideas?)

The goal: everything should fit in 3 „german umzugboxes“and a backpack and a „work-/messengerbag“.it all fits in a small normal car.

why? i could move & travel at any given date, without no second tought about my posessions. an idea i really like!

#technomad #simplicity